List Of All Presidents Of Hungary 

List Of All Presidents Of Hungary 

This is the list of all presidents of Hungary from 1989 till date, Including their term of office, and political party:

Term Start
Term End
Mátyás Szűrös
23 October 1989
2 May 1990
Árpád Göncz
2 May 1990
2 August 1990
Árpád Göncz
3 August 1990
3 August 1995
Árpád Göncz
4 August 1995
3 August 2000
Ferenc Mádl
4 August 2000
4 August 2005
László Sólyom
5 August 2005
5 August 2010
Pál Schmitt
6 August 2010
2 April 2012
László Kövér (acting)
2 April 2012
9 May 2012
János Áder
10 May 2012
9 May 2017
János Áder
10 May 2017
9 May 2022
Katalin Novák
10 May 2022
26 February 2024
László Kövér (acting)
26 February 2024
4 March 2024
Tamás Sulyok
5 March 2024

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Who Was the First President of Hungary?

Lajos Kossuth

The first president of Hungary was Lajos Kossuth, and he served as the Governor-President during a short time when Hungary was a republic in 1849.

His term lasted from April 14, 1849, to August 11, 1849, during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, a period when Hungarians fought for their independence from Habsburg rule.

Lajos Kossuth was born on September 19, 1802, in Monok, Hungary. He studied law and became a politician who strongly supported Hungarian autonomy and reforms.

Kossuth’s political career began when he was elected to the Hungarian Diet in 1832. He promoted many liberal ideas, like freedom of the press and civil rights.

On April 14, 1849, he declared Hungary’s independence from the Austrian Empire and took the title of Governor-President.

He became the head of state and aimed to create a democratic republic with many reforms. However, Kossuth’s government faced many problems.

There were military defeats and the intervention of Russian forces who helped the Habsburgs. Because of these challenges, the revolution did not succeed, and Kossuth was forced into exile.

He spent the rest of his life in different countries, including the United States and Italy. Even while in exile, he continued to fight for Hungarian independence until he passed away on March 20, 1894.

Lajos Kossuth is still remembered with great respect in Hungary. He is seen not only as the first president but also as a symbol of the fight for national freedom and democracy.

In 1989, the Hungarian Parliament officially recognized Kossuth as the first president. His legacy is honored annually on March 15, known as the Day of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

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Who Is The Current President Of Hungary?

Tamás Sulyok

Tamás Sulyok is the current President of Hungary. He started his term on March 5, 2024, after being elected by the Hungarian parliament on February 26, 2024.

Tamás took over from Katalin Novák, who resigned amid a political scandal. Novák’s resignation was caused by public outrage over her decision to pardon someone involved in a serious child abuse case.

This scandal led to protests and criticism of how the government handled child protection. Born in 1956, Sulyok had a long career in law before becoming president.

He was the head of the Constitutional Court of Hungary from 2016, and he was first appointed as a judge in 2014. His election as president was strongly supported by the Fidesz party, which has a strong majority in the Hungarian parliament.

In the vote for president, Sulyok received 134 out of 198 votes. Sulyok’s election came during a difficult time for the Hungarian government.

Novák’s resignation left a political crisis for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who has been leading the country since 2010.

The scandal over Novák’s pardon was a major issue for Orbán’s government, leading to a lot of public and political unrest. As President of Hungary, Sulyok mainly acts as a ceremonial figure.

He does not have much power in running the government. His main roles include vetoing laws and referring them to the Constitutional Court if needed.

Most of the real political power is held by the Prime Minister. The Hungarian Constitution says the president is elected for a five-year term, which can be renewed once.

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Who Is The Current Vice President Of Hungary?

In Hungary, there is no position called the Vice President. Instead, Hungary has two main roles: the President and the Prime Minister.

The President is the head of state, while the Prime Minister is the head of government. Also, there is no direct equivalent to the Vice President role found in many other countries.

Rather, the Speaker of the National Assembly takes on some similar duties, especially in managing parliamentary affairs.

The Speaker oversees the legislative process and maintains order in parliamentary sessions. Currently, the Speaker of the National Assembly is László Kövér, and he has been in this role since 2010.

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