List of 10 Cleanest States In Nigeria You Should Know

Top 10 Cleanest State In Nigeria

Keeping Nigeria clean is a priority for a healthy and beautiful environment. Many states in the country are making progress in waste management and sanitation.

However, In this guide, you will learn about Nigeria’s top 10 cleanest states, based on credible sources like the National Technical Study Group (NTSG).

Let’s get started.

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Which Are The Cleanest States In Nigeria?

Here are the cleanest states In Nigeria according to NTSG:

1. Akwa Ibom

Akwa Ibom State has consistently topped the rankings as the cleanest state in Nigeria by the Clean Up Nigeria (CUN) group.

This reputation results from their dedication to effective waste management, sanitation efforts, and public awareness campaigns.

One of the essential initiatives is the ‘Akwa Ibom Clean and Green Project,’ which tackles waste head-on. This project focuses on collecting waste, recycling it whenever possible, and disposing of it properly.

The state government has also invested in upgrading public toilets and sanitation facilities, making them more accessible and hygienic.

Also, they’ve implemented sanitation programs at the community level, encouraging residents to get involved in keeping their neighborhoods clean.

Public awareness campaigns are another important factor that has contributed to the cleanliness of Akwa Ibom state. These campaigns educate residents about the importance of proper waste disposal and keeping their environment clean.

Over time, these campaigns have been successful in changing how people think and behave, leading to a more sustainable and cleaner Akwa Ibom.

2. Ebonyi

Ebonyi State has consistently ranked second alongside Akwa Ibom for its commitment to cleanliness, and part of what plays a major part is the “Ebonyi Clean Team.”

This sanitation workforce plays an important role in maintaining cleanliness across major towns and cities within the state.

The team’s only purpose is to focus on keeping the state clean. Also, the Ebonyi State government has invested heavily in building modern waste disposal facilities.

These facilities ensure proper waste management and prevent environmental hazards. They’ve also implemented innovative “waste-to-wealth” programs.

These programs encourage recycling by offering economic incentives to residents who participate.  By turning waste into usable materials, these programs promote cleanliness and create economic opportunities.

3. Cross River

Cross River State stands out for its approach to cleanliness. Instead of just focusing on waste management, they take a broader view, emphasizing environmental sustainability efforts.

This turns into a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone in the state. The Greening Cross River Project has been the driving factor.

This program promotes planting trees and protecting existing forests. More trees not only mean cleaner air to breathe, but they also help control soil erosion.

Less soil erosion means less dust and dirt in the environment which can contribute to overall cleanliness. The state government has also invested in developing eco-tourism destinations.

These destinations prioritize responsible waste management practices.  So, tourists can enjoy the beauty of Cross River while knowing the environment is being protected.

4. Anambra

Unlike some states that rely only on top-down government initiatives, Anambra promotes community involvement.  Residents participate in programs and events that keep their neighborhoods clean and healthy to create a positive and sustainable impact on the environment.

And, one of those community programs is the “Anambra Clean and Green Champions” initiative. This program helps residents to take ownership of their environment.

Champions can organize clean-up events in their neighborhoods, encourage best practices for waste management, and educate their communities about the importance of environmental cleanliness.

You can tell that these efforts not only remove litter and debris but also encourage community responsibility. In addition to the Champions program, many communities in Anambra have implemented “Clean Up Your Street” days.

On these days, you will see residents come together, armed with gloves and bags, to remove litter and debris from their neighborhoods.

The focus on community involvement in Anambra goes beyond just cleaning up litter. Many communities have also taken the initiative to implement proper waste management practices.

This involves setting up designated waste collection points or even composting programs to reduce waste sent to landfills.

5. Enugu

Enugu State is a leader in innovative waste management solutions in Nigeria, and that’s why they are considered one of the most sanitary states In the country.

They’ve implemented a range of programs that not only keep the state clean but also promote a more sustainable future for the environment.

First is the “Enugu Waste Recycling Program.” This idea tackles waste head-on by encouraging residents to recycle.

Imagine separating your plastic bottles and paper from your food scraps. Enugu’s program makes it easy for residents to participate by providing designated bins or collection points for recyclable materials.

These collected recyclables are then processed into new and usable resources, giving them a second life. This not only reduces the amount of waste going to landfills but also conserves natural resources and promotes a more sustainable waste management system.

In addition, the state government has also supported the building of modern waste management facilities. These facilities use advanced technologies to properly treat and dispose of waste that cannot be recycled.

This ensures that waste is broken down safely and doesn’t pollute the environment. For example, waste-to-energy facilities may convert waste into usable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Enugu state has also enforced public awareness campaigns to educate residents about the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling.

6. Ogun

Ogun State is also one of Nigeria’s cleanest states with innovative “waste-to-wealth” programs. These programs take a different process to waste management, not just by keeping the environment clean but also by creating economic opportunities for residents.

You can see Ogun residents turning their everyday trash into something valuable. And, that’s the core concept behind waste-to-wealth programs.

It encourages people to recycle and reduce waste by offering economic incentives. Let’s take, for instance, residents may be rewarded for collecting and separating recyclable materials like plastic bottles or paper.

These materials are then collected and processed into new and usable products, like clothing made from recycled plastic or fertilizer created from food scraps.

With this idea, they are simply conserving natural resources. This benefits the environment by reducing pollution and promoting sustainability.

The economic benefits of waste-to-wealth programs are also important. Ogun State government has partnered with private companies to develop and implement these programs.

This creates new job opportunities in the waste management sector, from collection and sorting facilities to recycling plants. These new jobs boost the local economy and provide residents with new income opportunities.

7. Delta

Unlike Ogun State, Delta State is focusing its efforts on improving the hygiene and waste management practices in its major cities.

This ensures a cleaner and healthier living environment for residents in urban areas. And the driving of this effort is the “Delta Urban Sanitation Project.” This project tackles the core issue of waste collection and disposal in Delta State’s cities.

The project concerns measures like increasing the number of designated waste collection points throughout the cities, investing in new and efficient waste disposal trucks, or even implementing stricter waste management regulations.

All of this contributes to a more efficient and effective waste management system in urban centers. The Delta State government understands that long-term success requires community involvement.

This is why they’ve partnered with local communities to promote public awareness campaigns about proper waste disposal practices.

These campaigns educate residents on the importance of cleanliness and responsible waste management in their neighborhoods.

Focusing on improving cleanliness in Delta State’s urban centers offers many benefits. Residents can enjoy a more pleasant living environment, with cleaner streets and improved air quality.

This not only enhances their quality of life but also creates a more attractive environment for businesses and tourism to flourish within the cities.

8. Edo

Edo State isn’t just about cleaning the streets; they’re aiming to create a lasting change by promoting a culture of cleanliness among its residents.

So to say they are not just cleaning up but also educating people about the importance of keeping their environment clean.

Have you heard about the “Edo Cleanliness Challenge.” The Edo Cleanliness Challenge has catchy public service announcements on TV and radio, fun community events where people learn about proper waste disposal, and social media campaigns that spread awareness!

They have used these engaging methods to educate residents about responsible waste disposal and the many benefits of living in a clean environment.

The state government also joins with schools to integrate environmental education into the curriculum. This means teaching children from a young age about the importance of cleanliness and responsible waste management.

By learning these habits early on, children are more likely to grow up to be environmentally conscious adults who actively contribute to a cleaner future.

9. Plateau

Plateau State is a jewel of Nigeria, famous for its breathtaking landscapes and stunning natural beauty. Lush forests, waterfalls, and hills paint a picture of paradise.

However, to preserve this incredible environment, Plateau State places a strong emphasis on cleanliness initiatives, ensuring that this beauty can be enjoyed by all.

Let’s assume you’re visiting a waterfall in Plateau State, the spray cool and refreshing on your face. Or, you’re hiking through a lush green forest, the air clean and crisp.

A clean environment is essential for appreciating the natural wonders of Plateau State. The state government understands this, and that’s why they’ve implemented different programs to tackle waste management and promote cleanliness throughout the state.

These efforts don’t just benefit the environment; they also create a more attractive destination for tourists. Picture-perfect landscapes are even more enjoyable when free from litter and waste.

Plateau State is not only preserving its natural heritage but also making itself a more inviting destination for visitors.  This summarizes to a boost for the local economy, as more tourists are drawn to experience the state’s beauty firsthand.

10. FCT Abuja

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) is by far the cleanest city In Nigeria, and the administration understands that a clean and healthy Abuja is important for its residents and visitors.

That’s why they take a different approach to cleanliness, tackling the issue from multiple angles to create a more pleasant and hygienic environment for everyone.

One of these approaches is waste management. The FCT government works hand-in-hand with cleaning contractors to provide regular collection and proper disposal of waste.

This applies to frequent trash collection schedules, designated waste bins placed throughout the city, or even exploring initiatives like promoting recycling to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

But keeping Abuja clean goes beyond just waste collection. The FCT administration also recognizes the importance of public participation.

They encourage residents to take ownership of their environment by promoting responsible waste disposal habits. This affects public awareness campaigns that educate people on proper waste sorting and disposal methods.

In addition, the FCT administration understands the link between environmental sustainability and cleanliness. Planting trees and maintaining green spaces throughout the city isn’t just about beautification.

Trees act as natural filters, improving air quality and reducing dust. This not only creates a more visually appealing city but also contributes to a healthier environment for everyone.

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