List of 9 Dirtiest States In Nigeria You Should Know About

Dirtiest States In Nigeria

Maintaining a clean environment is essential for public health and well-being. If you’re interested in understanding waste management challenges in Nigeria, then this guide is for you.

We’ll look Into the top 10 states In Nigeria facing sanitation issues, according to reliable sources like the Clean-Up Nigeria report. However, while rankings can change, we’ll provide valuable information to help you stay informed.

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List of The Most Dirtiest State In Nigeria?

  1. Borno
  2. Osun
  3. Kogi
  4. Benue
  5. Oyo
  6. Ekiti
  7. Lagos
  8. Abia
  9. Nasarawa
  10. Kano

1. Borno State

Borno State is considered the dirtiest state in Nigeria due to several factors that have contributed to poor sanitation and waste management.

One of the primary reasons for the state’s dirtiness is the ongoing conflict with the Boko Haram insurgency, which has displaced millions of people and disrupted basic services.

The inflow of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into camps and host communities has put immense pressure on already strained sanitation facilities and waste disposal systems.

Also, years of instability and insecurity have affected the state’s ability to invest in infrastructure and maintain existing waste management systems.

Many urban areas, including the state capital Maiduguri, suffer from inadequate garbage collection services, leading to littering and illegal dumping of waste.

Another notable issue is the lack of public awareness and education regarding proper waste disposal practices.

Open defecation and dumping of waste in waterways and public spaces are common occurrences that can pose serious health risks to the population.

2. Osun State

Osun State is also ranked as one of the dirtiest states in Nigeria, having dealt with severe sanitation and waste management challenges.

One of the issues contributing to the state’s dirtiness is the inadequate waste collection and disposal systems, particularly in urban areas like Osogbo, the state capital.

Many neighborhoods lack proper waste collection services, leading residents to resort to dumping of refuse in open spaces, streets, and drainage channels.

Also, Osun State’s local governments have struggled to maintain and enforce environmental sanitation laws and regulations.

Insufficient funding and resources have slowed their ability to effectively manage solid waste and keep public spaces clean.

3. Kogi State

Another state considered one of the most polluted in Nigeria is Kogi State, and one big issue many have been talking about is the poor drainage systems in towns like Lokoja.

When it rains heavily, the water has nowhere to go because the drains are blocked with trash and waste. This leads to serious flooding that damages homes and businesses.

Another issue in Kogi is the way people dispose of waste from markets and abattoirs. The rotting food waste, animal blood, and body parts often get dumped directly into rivers and streams.

This makes the water supplies very dirty and unsafe to use. In the rural areas of Kogi, a major challenge is dealing with waste from farms and agricultural activities.

Things like fertilizer bags, pesticide containers, and plant/crop remains frequently get left behind on the farms or tossed into bushes nearby.

This litter can be dangerous for people and animals. The government in Kogi also hasn’t done a good job of providing proper public toilets, especially in poorer neighborhoods.

Changing these bad sanitation habits in Kogi will take a lot of work. The local leaders need to invest in better drainage systems, waste disposal sites, and public toilet facilities.

But they also need to crack down on irresponsible dumping by businesses, markets, and farms. Perhaps most important is educating the people, especially in villages, about why cleanliness matters.

Simple lessons on hygiene and safe waste disposal could go a long way. Community leaders and role models speaking out against unsanitary practices can also help change mindsets over time.

4. Benue State

A major sanitation problem in Benue is the way people get rid of trash from markets and commercial areas. Instead of having proper systems, a lot of the garbage from places like Makurdi’s big markets just gets dumped outside the town limits.

This creates huge, smelly heaps of rotting trash that attract mosquitoes, rats, and other pests. Another issue is how Benue deals with sewage and human waste.

Many towns lack proper sewage treatment plants or reliable toilet facilities. So the untreated sewage often gets flushed straight into nearby rivers and streams that people use for bathing, washing clothes and even drinking water.

This spreads lots of diseases. In some of Benue’s rural villages, a big sanitation concern is the way people burn their trash right in their yards or compounds.

The constant smoke from burning plastics, rubber, and chemicals creates toxic air pollution that makes it hard for people to breathe properly. Kids playing outside end up inhaling these fumes.

5. Oyo State

According to recent data, Oyo State is one of the dirtiest states in Nigeria. One of the major issues is the general burning of waste, which has become a common practice due to insufficient waste collection.

The smoke from these open-air fires blankets areas like Ibadan, causing air pollution and respiratory issues for residents.

Another sanitation challenge In Oyo is the improper disposal of wastes from its numerous local industries and workshops.

Toxic chemicals, dyes, and industrial byproducts often end up being dumped directly into waterways or drainage channels without treatment. This has severely contaminated water sources around industrial hubs.

The state also struggles with managing the huge amounts of agricultural waste produced, especially from farms growing cash crops like cocoa.

Improperly dumped agricultural refuse litter villages and rural paths. During downpours, this waste clogs drainage systems, leading to destructive flooding incidents.

6. Ekiti State

One of the biggest sanitation issues affecting urban areas in Ekiti state is the Inability to manage plastic waste effectively.

Cities like Ado-Ekiti are plagued by plastic bags, bottles, and packaging materials littering the streets, blocking drainage systems, and polluting waterways.

The general use of single-use plastics, combined with a lack of proper waste segregation and recycling facilities, has led to plastic waste piling up in unsightly heaps along roadsides and vacant lots.

During heavy rains, this plastic litter gets washed into streams and rivers, causing environmental damage. Another urban sanitation challenge in Ekiti is the handling of electronic waste or “e-waste” from discarded computers, televisions, and other electronic devices.

With no dedicated e-waste collection or disposal system, residents often burn or dump these unsafe materials, releasing toxic substances that contaminate soil and groundwater.

In densely populated neighborhoods, the improper disposal of used cooking oil also contributes to sanitation problems.

Residents often pour old cooking oils down drains or onto the ground, creating slippery, foul-smelling surfaces that attract pests and pollute the environment.

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7. Lagos State

In Lagos State, a notable sanitation challenge faced by urban areas is the management of construction and demolition waste.

With the city’s rapid urbanization and constant development, large amounts of waste from building sites, road projects, and demolition activities are generated daily.

This construction waste, consisting of materials like concrete, bricks, wood, and metals, is often dumped on vacant plots, along roads, or in drainage channels.

The improper disposal of such waste leads to blocked drains, contributing to flooding during heavy rains. Another sanitation issue in Lagos is the handling of medical waste from the numerous hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities in the state.

Improper segregation, storage, and disposal of medical waste, such as used needles, bandages, and expired medications, pose serious health risks to the public and the environment.

In populated low-income areas, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities and waste collection services worsens the problem. Residents are often forced to resort to open defecation or dispose of their waste in nearby water bodies or vacant lots.

8. Abia State

Abia State, particularly the city of Aba, has historically been associated with waste management issues. Due to limited funding and logistical problems, household waste often isn’t collected regularly.

You will always see garbage piles up on the streets for days. Also, without proper disposal systems, people resort to dumping their waste in open spaces or even burning it.

This pollutes the air and soil, harming the environment and people’s health. The drainage systems in Aba just aren’t enough to handle heavy rain.

When it rains, gutters overflow, and blocked drains cause flooding. This contaminates water sources and creates breeding grounds for mosquitos, which can spread diseases.

However, many residents don’t know the best ways to manage their waste. This can lead to littering and improper disposal, making the sanitation problems even worse. Even if there are laws in place about how to handle waste, they aren’t always enforced strictly.

9. Nasarawa State

One major challenge in Nasarawa State is the scarcity of readily available clean water. This affects sanitation practices.

Without access to clean water for basic hygiene like handwashing and household cleaning, the risk of waterborne diseases increases significantly.

Residents may be forced to use potentially contaminated water sources. The state also struggles with a lack of proper waste management infrastructure.

This could include a shortage of bins for households to collect their trash, or a limited number of collection trucks to transport waste to designated landfills.

Without these basic systems, residents labor to dispose of their waste responsibly. This often leads to open dumping, creating eyesores and breeding grounds for pests and diseases.

Also, Nasarawa’s geographical makeup is an issue. The state’s hilly and rural landscape makes waste collection a logistical challenge.

Remote areas with difficult access can become neglected pockets of garbage buildup, posing environmental and health hazards.

The nature of the population also makes implementing and enforcing sanitation policies more difficult compared to a densely populated urban environment.

Yet, economic limitations play a significant role. The state government may simply not have the financial resources needed to invest in proper sanitation solutions.

This could restrict their ability to hire enough waste collection staff, build essential infrastructure like treatment plants or landfills, or run public education campaigns to promote better sanitation practices amongst residents.

10. Kano State

Kano state is also ranked among the most polluted states In Nigeria. However, this could be for some reasons. The large and ever-growing population In Kano state puts immense pressure on existing waste management systems.

The current infrastructure can’t keep up with the volume of waste generated. Also, poorly maintained drainage systems contribute to flooding during heavy rains.

This contaminated floodwater mixes with overflowing waste to create a breeding ground for disease and make sanitation efforts even harder.

Kano’s role as a major industrial hub can also cause waste management headaches. Improper disposal of dangerous materials can pollute water sources and soil, posing serious health risks.

Even non-hazardous industrial waste presents a challenge, requiring specialized infrastructure and processes that Kano might not have readily available.

Managing this amount of industrial waste effectively requires innovative solutions. Traditional practices around waste disposal are also a big factor.

For instance, the open burning of certain types of waste creates air pollution. Additionally, cultural norms regarding hygiene and sanitation can be addressed through education campaigns alongside infrastructure development.

Reference Sources:

One thought on “List of 9 Dirtiest States In Nigeria You Should Know About

  1. There can be a way out if we cut on prestigious projects and narrow on environmental hygiene.
    Much can be attained in the fight against Air pollution.

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