Facts About Anambra State Population (2025)
Anambra State’s population projection in 2025 is estimated at 6,358,311, with a growth of about 6.8% since 2022, when the population was projected at 5,953,500. However, this increase is based
Anambra State’s population projection in 2025 is estimated at 6,358,311, with a growth of about 6.8% since 2022, when the population was projected at 5,953,500. However, this increase is based
Akwa Ibom State’s population is projected to be around 7.3 million In 2025, showing an increase of about 21% from the previous estimate of approximately 6 million. However, the growth
The current population projection for Adamawa State in 2025 is approximately 5.2 million people. This represents a growth of about 6% from the estimated population of 4.9 million in 2022.
Abia State’s population in 2025 is projected to be approximately 4.5 million people. This estimate is based on Nigeria’s annual population growth rate of around 2.5% to 3% since the
The population of Borno State is projected to be approximately 6.65 million in 2025, with a growth of about 8.8% from 2022’s estimated population of 6.11 million. This growth aligns
The population of Benue State in 2025 is projected to be approximately 6.62 million, with an annual growth rate of 2.5% since 2022, when the population was estimated at 6.14
The population of Bayelsa State is projected to reach approximately 2.75 million people in 2025, which shows an increase of about 9.5% from an estimated population of 2.53 million in
The projected population of Bauchi State in 2025 is estimated to be 9,281,000, which is an increase of about 11.7% from the 2022 population projection of 8,308,800. However, the growth
This is the most comprehensive list of AU Chairpersons from 2002 till present. The Chairperson of the African Union (AU) is a ceremonial leader elected for a one-year term, with
The African Union (AU) is a continental union consisting of African nations, established to promote unity, economic development, and cooperation among member states. While the AU includes the majority of